I used to say this to all my clients, “it is important that you share your work on a platform”, whether that is social media, your website, or in a printed catalog. People want to see the value and quality of your work before they chose to work with you.

Funny enough I came to the realization that I wasn’t listening to my own advice. It took me about 3 years figuring out the right way to display my designs. It was more challenging than expected until I created my own brand and brand guidelines to follow. I had never taken the time to think about me and my brand, and how I wanted both to be perceived.

Once the branding was in place, creating content became much easier and it increased the value of my work because people know and feel the impact of my creations.


Below is a short list of steps you should follow to upgrade your brand’s presence on social media.

1.  Create a brand for yourself/brand/company or product
2.  Keep your content on brand by following the brand guidelines
3.  Post content that provides value to your audience
4.  Post frequently / keep the momentum going – 1 to 2 posts and/or stories a day, people like knowing what’s new with the brand, and have something to look forward to… like you and your favorite series in NetFlix, haha.
5.  Only post-high-resolution images; Quality matters.


Are you facing any challenges today showcasing your work online? Are you doing anything to fix this? I’d love to hear more about it and how I can help you or guide you in the right direction.

Feel free to comment below or message me at

Thanks for stopping by,

Erika O.


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