If you made it here, you’ve made it to the Out of Reach world :)!



If you made it here, you’ve made it to the Out of Reach world :)!

This journey began about a year ago; after a lot of planning and long hours behind my computer, I was finally able to puzzle Out of Reach into reality. My idea behind the studio is to create a space for people that have dreams just like mine out of reach, but they still want to reach for the stars.

The name Out of Reach, to be honest, came out of nowhere, I just wanted something cool and memorable, so one day I saw on Spotify the title of a song named “Out of Reach”, and bang! that was it… I did question it a couple of times, but I see that the name gets a reaction in people, and that is what I was aiming for, a name that is not easy to forget.

With OOR, I wanna be part of your journey and help you along the way bring your ideas to life, one on one.


Cheers to taking that first step!

Erika O.


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