Hybrid Work with an Income Boost: How to Benefit From A Modern Working Era


Have you heard those unending stories about WORKING REMOTELY AND LIVING THE LIFE OF YOUR DREAMS? I’m sure that’s what brought you here. You’ve heard about all those six-figure earnings made by working flexibly and now you want to try it too. Let's explore your options and how you can make this happen.

“The most struggling part is ‘JUST DOING IT’ for me. The hardest decision was quitting my job for the sake of my passion.”

– CHAS HOBBS, Remote Content Creator

The 2020 pandemic changed the way our workplaces function, below we highlight the most important changes that happened in the work environment and HOW YOU CAN BENEFIT FROM THEM.



Who knew that Allie from the office next door could also be an excellent marketing strategist and a graphic designer? The pandemic gave Allie and other introverts like her the opportunity to show off their talent online. This also earned them another benefit too. Possibly in some time, they’ll have enough web-based clients that they will no longer have to rely on a 9-5, this, giving them the chance to keep a healthy work-life balance and a chance to embark into entrepreneurship.




Currently, over 70% of workers are demanding flexibility in their working hours and ways. The change in working ways has pushed a significant number of people towards new jobs, leaving positions for others to take. Are you ready to take advantage of this new opportunity? The numbers don’t lie, the trend of hybrid work and living a balanced work-life is here to stay.


Want to know how Danielle S. – a social media manager, was able to quit her regular job just six months after picking up a side remote job? According to Danielle, she was always planning to give her passion a shot and the pandemic gave her the perfect opportunity. Now she earns way more and is able to live life the way she had planned.


Work From Home on Your Own Terms


So you’re all hyped up and feel ready to apply for remote jobs? Well that’s an enthusiastic spirit! But hold up, there’s a little more you should learn before you start applying.

Since you’re taking a new step, you’ll need guidance. Well don’t you worry because we’ve got you covered! Here’s what you can do:

  • Explore Your Passion and Know Your Skills

Applying for a side hustle doesn’t mean opening up your browser, googling a few remote jobs, and applying. Before you do that, start exploring your skills and passion. 

Focus on yourself! Maybe you’re amazing at photography or perhaps you are good at editing things, you could be an expert at marketing and PR, and who knows, maybe you’re the next best fashion designer! The main point here is to “Know your skills”. 

Once you know what you’re made for, apply for the right positions and jobs. With the right skills, nobody can stop you from the inevitable, succeeding. 


  • Know Who To Trust

Remote jobs are beneficial when we talk about the flexibility they offer. Yet there can be scams too. If you want to work with the right people and get that six-figure earning on your terms, It is worth a shot. Besides, 2021 has brought forward a huge number of trusted websites for remote jobs that provide secure payments and credibility to give you peace of mind. Below are a few tips about what you can do to successfully work from home and guarantee you get paid for your work:

  • Request a 50% deposit before you start with the project

  • Submit half the work and ask for payment before you submit the other half

  • Create/ request a contract that highlights the terms of the project and payment


Are you already employed but would love a salary increase? Read this.

Did you know that you can increase your income by at least 10%-20% when switching jobs according to Google? Quitting your job might seem scary, but in a year or so, it’ll become the best decision you ever made. 

Apply for that dream job, but do it the right way.

Some remote success stories are left halfway developed. The reason is not lack of savings, support, or not having the right opportunity. The reason is poor cover letters and resumes, here is how you can avoid that:



An organized resume and cover letter will lead to a higher chance of landing that job.

Using a well-formatted resume and cover letter template is an important choice to make. 

HOW IT WILL HELP YOU: When the recruiter is going through your resume, it’ll be much easier for him/her to understand your skills and potential. This gives you a higher chance to stand out and be chosen amongst the hundreds of resumes waiting to be reviewed.

HERE’S WHY: Resume templates are designed to fit loads of information on a single page, without compromising the quality. This makes things a lot neater and easier to read and understand. 


It’s a common marketing rule that how you sell your product, defines the number of customers you attract. Similarly, how you sell your skills, defines the number of customers you attract.

Now that you are all loaded with the information to level up your career,  here's also the resume to get you started! 💃🏻




Branding: The Secret to SUCCESS no one told you about


IT’S MY B-DAY, and this wasn’t planned