Are You A Brand or Influencer? 9 Key Reasons Why You Need A Media Kit For Your Next Pitch

Do you want to build brand recognition for your company/name, or possibly looking for a collaboration? Aside from your website and social media channels, a media kit gives you full control of the content you share for that particular pitch. Show yourself/brand as you want to be seen, and let them know precisely what you have to offer.

Want to do multiple pitches? 📨

Send your media kit to unlimited clients, all their questions will be answered in a single document, with the option of contacting you for potential collaborations and/or partnerships.

Below are key ✔️ reasons why a media kit will be a helpful tool for your next pitch. 👩🏻‍💻

      1. It’s a PR Tool

      2. Brand introduction during /before meetings. (Walk your listeners through the media kit during a meeting)

      3. Show your company's relevance to consumers

      4. Display your brand's social media statistics and demographics – This is crucial when companies determine if your following is the right audience they’re looking to reach

      5. Show what is the messaging across all your social media channels

      6. List relevant Collaborations and/or Partnerships

      7. Show what is new with your brand, also communicate ideas for potential coverage


If you feel like this is you, and you're ready to take that next step, download our full 8-page media kit below ⇣

Are you an upcoming brand or influencer looking to do a subtle pitch instead?

Try our One-Pager Media Kit which allows you to share key information about your brand like, bio, statistics, demographics, and contact info as an intro pitch without missing a chance.

Hope you found this info helpful, let’s get to work…💃🏻

Thanks for stopping by,

Erika O.


Out of Reach Design Studio is now on YOUTUBE


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